quinta-feira, 23 de abril de 2009


Sem foto, sem inglês. Apenas.... simples.

Algumas vezes mudar faz bem, outras nem tanto. Mas se vc não o fizer, de que jeito descubrirá como poderia ter sido?

As dúvidas são inevitáveis. Mas as certezas.... raras. Estamos, constantemente, correndo riscos. As consequências podem ser positivas, ou não. Mas, junto do pacote das partes negativas tb há alguma coisa boa. Mts vezes não é possivel enxergá-la por estarmos cegos diante do fracasso, mas, se prestarmos atenção, podemos ver, embora os erros o ofusquem, algo inteiramente maravilhoso que foi apenas possível a partir daquele erro, consequência daquela mudança, gerada a partir daquela dúvida. Quando sabemos das coisas, a resposta já é prevista. Se erramos, sempre haverá uma surpresa no caminho.

sábado, 4 de abril de 2009

We fall, the we get up and start walking again. We learn from our mistakes, so the next time we´ll know what do or what not to do. Of course, sometimes, it takes us a while to discover where did we go wrong, so we can make it right, but, if we really are determinated to get what we want, we´ll try our best to get it, and then know that all that falls were worth it.

sexta-feira, 3 de abril de 2009

quarta-feira, 1 de abril de 2009

A few weeks ago I was like: Why haven´t I given up yet? Everything on my life has been turning upside down and I don´t know if I am strong enough to keep going on. My grades aren´t that good, my discussions with my parents are even more constant than before, I just can´t stand my sister´s voice, I´ve been arguing constantly against my BEST friends and it´s drepressing look at myself on th mirror. But then something hit me and I realized that with all this Emo thing I was just getting away of the people who really could help me with all this. Then from that moment on I started all over and talked to my mother and father, to my friends and to may sister and, kind of apologized ( not all that things like: I was a completly idiot, I´m sorry. No, it was like: Man, sorry for that things i did. ), and I started to study at the afternoons after school, and guess what? Now my grades are a little bit better :P.

So when you feel you can´t stand against you problems, remember that you can´t stand against YOURSELF, and remember that anywhere you go you have somebody who cares for you and you can run to. (Y)


  • Capitu ( :D )
  • Fanfics ( it´s not a book, but it´s kind of )
  • Girls who Gossip ( NOT Gossip Girl )
  • Golden
  • Harry Potter ( *.* BEST )
  • Meg Cabot ( ALL )
  • She´s no princess
  • The Chronicles of Narnia
  • Twilight ( just cause I disn´t have anything to read )

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